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Ideas for future versions "com_opensim"

14 years 1 month ago #153 by foto50
A hashed password - specially md5 - is not possible in this case since the encryption is not reversable. But the \"real\" password is needed when the component needs to identify for the opensim db or the remote admin.

I think a combination of the password field and a way to control the minimum admin level to access the parts of the component would be the best way. I once had the component only accessible for super admins already, but that was sorta a \"dirty hack\" and could lock out even the super admin in certain configurations. That\'s why I removed that again and since then look for a \"clean\" way.


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14 years 1 month ago #154 by foto50
I\'ve just figured out a nice feature of Joomla concerning \"preferences\" that I think could do exactly what we\'ld need here. I\'ll check that out if I can use it in the next version :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)


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13 years 11 months ago #263 by harrit
yeshe i hafe good idea as now the user must register twice, we use
<a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\"> community builder. if it can be made to
as a plug in that can work with community builder and then the same registration with OpenSim.

together with a mail administrator commpunent in part so that the user can receive an email with the information that the user has pressed enter on the website ..

I hope you understand what I mean;)

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13 years 11 months ago #265 by djphil
Excellent idea harrit that has already been mentioned in another topic :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)

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13 years 10 months ago #275 by rjspence
Single registration for Joomla and OS is being considered.

Thank you,

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13 years 10 months ago #287 by harrit
There is a Capability to joomla administrator via> OpenSim> regional maps to make, and off-line from a region. ?
This idea is like, maby as an extension if it is possible

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13 years 10 months ago #288 by rjspence
This is mostly in response (for notes) to the upcoming release..

1) Front end Joomla - Messages (IM) - A way to delete the messages.

2) Front end Joomla - Messages (IM) - A way to respond to in-world messages (good for travel when you don\'t have your massive machine with all the bogomips of power needed to run OpenSim)

3) Front end Joomla - Profile - Bring os avatar profile pic off the db and have it to where you click on it for avatar info for those listed in your friends online module.

4) Groups - Backend OS - Need to figure out a way to refresh the in-world groups list without having to relog after leaving the group from the front end.

5) Configuration for allowing Joomla to handle in-world emails completely? Such as llEmail() etc.. being implemented to somehow use the Joomla mail for handling the os mail needs.

The functionality of offline messages now being forwarded to the front end, and allowing for forwarding to listed e-mail addresses is a great idea and addition. Thanks for the hard work and dedication.

(note: This post may be updated at any time. The component version upgrade being discussed has not been released as of 1-9-11 and is currently being tested.)

Thank you,

updated: 1/9/11

6) Ability to have offline messages saved in the front end until user manually removes them (not removed once received in-world). It would remove the message from one table, and leave it stored on another that works the front-end.

7) Ability to alter, save, delete \"Profile My Notes\" from the front end.

updated: 1/15/11

8) Ability to manage the services.
I think it\'s important that at sometime we have basic service controls. Remote admin server commands are listed at This is a far reaching expectation, but simple service monitoring (such as the work that has been done with monit), shutdown, startup, etc...

9) Code clean up. Fix all the [] to [\' \'] so the logs don\'t fill up. I can help with this, and save us quite a bit of time.

updated: 1/22/11

10) Templating ability for client welcome/splash pages, both tied to the current status modes. This welcome/splash page would allow for both auto and manual as we see with grid status login screen. Whether the service was down or up, the proper template would be automatically selected and displayed to users within the SL client.

updated: 1/23/11

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13 years 10 months ago #344 by aramil
Hello everyone!

Another idea i came trough;

For the admins would be a nice tool to know who is online at the grid and where, i know we can check that on the command line and the user section of com_opensim already show who is online, but you need to pass page by page to see who is online from the user list, my idea here is simple, just allow that column to be organized, i mean, like by clicking on the \"Online\" column title, and arrange the ones online at the top, as a quick way to know who is around and if a location feaure is added, even better. like Aramil Online Welcome Area. What you guys think?


Another one that just came to my mind... what usefull can be forthe final user.. a dual login? like if they log into OS they are logged into Joomla? just a crazy idea, dunno the benefit of it. but its good to brainstorm.

Another idea: Display on the joomla backend the user relation, to know what os account is linked to what joomla account.

Another Idea: Would be good the ability to ban the user inworld as well from com_opensim users or.. someway to link the ban status on joomla and os. More than delete it, cause that way you will avoid them to use the same email again, at least is a extra boring step for the bad guys. lol

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