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Complete Translation and more functions on the Component

13 years 9 months ago #410 by esence
Dear guys,

we\'re using your component for some time now and it works very nice for us!

Also we\'re making (as we speak) a full translatable version of the component for much quicker translations that could be made this way. Also we\'re looking on a more simple registration integration with for instance Jomsocial... because this is a component that\'s used a lot, also with these community\'s!

Also we\'re integrating in the Opensim section (so not this component) a PayPal economy functionality for simple money transfers on the grid, and to make economy available on Opensim. Maybe this is also a nice future to include in this component.

And for the last point i wanted to ask if we could help you guys on the development and progress of this nice component with all the capabilities we have. The strong points of our company are, design, translations, planning and simple development / structures.

Hope to see some reply\'s soon as we\'re working every week on this component!

o yea... where do we need to upload the new (rewritten) component?

With kind Regards,

Dave, DcP ICT

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13 years 9 months ago #413 by rjspence
Welcome to the Foto50 support forum \"esence -Dave\",

Happy to see you here, and glad that you find the JOpenSim component of use to your works.
While I cannot offer answers to your questions as a non administrative position concerning the product or what is, is not, or will be, etc included in future versions of JOpenSim, I can welcome you to offer such fixes or suggestions.

Thank you for submitting any ideas, fixes, requests, or other information that might assist with the betterment of the component. Ideas for further development are always appreciated.

PS, if you have some fixed files etc.. please attach to help with JOpenSim. :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)

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13 years 9 months ago #424 by foto50
Hi esence,

thanks very much for your post and sorry for my delay.

A quicker way for translation sounds like a good idea. I would be really interested in your approach on that :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)

jOpenSim currently is planned as a free component under GNU/GPL v2 and JomSocial is a commercial component. This is why I dont see an adaption for it in jOpenSim as a good idea!

Adding OpenSim economy functionality to jOpenSim has been taken in consideration since quite a while already. But there is still a lot to be done with jOpenSim before working on this feature. E.g. the \"classifieds\" in the profile do work already, but to pay for such an ad does not make sense unless \"search\" will work for this. This and also some other things still need to be done ...

\esence\:2auac20x wrote: And for the last point i wanted to ask if we could help you guys on the development and progress of this nice component with all the capabilities we have.
o yea... where do we need to upload the new (rewritten) component?

Your help is very much appreciated :D <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif\" alt=\":D\" title=\"Very Happy\" />:D currently most needed is testing and a useful bug reporting, but you are of course also welcome to attach your changes as zip files here in this forum. I\'m very much interested in your changes and comments to see if and how they can be integrated in the current development of jOpenSim :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)

As this project continues growing I\'m currently looking for some useful project management platform where a \"core team\" can easy add contributions in the future ;) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif\" alt=\";)\" title=\"Wink\" />;)


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13 years 9 months ago #430 by esence
Hy guys,

thnx for your replay! Today I\'m working on your latest release to include the new translations so this can be done more easy for all languages.

I will post it on this tread so you can download it when it\'s done. I will fill in the comments on the work I\'ve done so you can check it out. (it\'s a bit to much work for me to make a change-log at the moment because of the many work i have on other payed projects do..

Fot the community solutions....

For CB (free version) there is a free solution that can include components and modules in tab\'s! So that\'s a nice solutions to make profile info and such easy in community\'s. I have it somewhere but have to search it on one of the Harddrives.. i will post it here also for you to test it.

Keep you all updated today!

With kind regards,

Dave (aka esence)

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13 years 9 months ago #431 by esence
Hy guys,,

for the translations... you did all the work already on the 0.1.8 version :lol: <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif\" alt=\":lol:\" title=\"Laughing\" />:lol:

But therefore i made a complete new translation on the software from scrap and integrated it on the component.

It\'s a bit to big for the forum to upload so i put it on my own server for you to download...

Here is the link:

i just checked it on a clean website with the install and it works very nice.

Im going to check other features soon and will let you guys know!

Have fun with it!



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13 years 9 months ago #432 by rjspence
Hi Essence,

Thank you so much for posting your ideas. We will look at this and post a reply as to such. This week is starting off to be very busy for both Foto50 and myself, but we always appreciated the help.

Let us take a look at what you have posted and see what those ideas are so we might better be able to reply.

Also, I have spoken to foto50 about some in-world developer meetings for a more open discussion as to the forgoing works. We had our first meeting recently and it was a very good for promoting discussion on the software component and it\'s movement, goals, ideas, etc.. So I hope at some point to work with foto50 to schedule our in-world development meetings. :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)

We will work at this. And this is where I think maybe your attendance might help us better understand some of the ideas you bring to the table as well. :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)

In terms of other third party free or non-free components (JomSocial, CB, etc..), certainly there are specified needs that are looked at and in some cases may be put in place, however, the goal of this project thus far was to keep a tight knit focus on what was needed to interface OpenSim with Joomla in a fairly straight forward manner, keeping with the Joomla framework. Thus you see the need for the interface.php, what position it holds, and understand that the key in various areas is achievable without the need for large amounts of third party (joomla) code. It is not the desire of this project to be using other third party softwares in large quantities.:) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:) There are more than a few reasons for this, but the most important aspects are ease of use and keeping a grip on what security issues that might be encountered. For every line of code, we have to do our best to understand the consequences and what might be needed if issues arise. We certainly cannot control the future aspects of other third party developers and what they provide. Nor can we be responsible for their code. Thus so far, and most likely in the future, you will not see a vast array of third party joomla components being combined with JOpenSim. But rather code created right here to to further integrate what we have available as contributed modules within the OpenSim environment. Ex, search, profiles, and other necessities that need to be worked on in certain order, to have it all work right. This is not to say that other components cannot be used as with maps etc.. But the integration code will most likely stay fine tuned to the necessities and it would be unlikely for you to see, as mentioned, a vast array of others third party joomla code being utilized.

In terms of an integrated form or method of in-wold currency, and as Foto50 has stated, all of this has been discussed time and time again. The component will remain free software, additional works such as currency modules or add-ons for JOpenSim will most likely be considered a commercial add-on, and as such will most likely be at cost. No ETA or further discussion has taken place about any type of currency additions, pricing structures, what would be wanted or needed, etc... and quite frankly it\'s not even close to being a current work to my knowledge. Too many other areas to cover right now I think. :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)

In terms of PayPal direct purchase there are already nice modules that can be compiled that work. I personally have worked with Snoopy\'s PayPal module that compiles just fine with os dev trunk. Adam originally wrote it, Snoopy added various functions etc.. to allow for example v-land sales and direct person to person payments.

I hope this helps :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)

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13 years 9 months ago #438 by foto50
Hi Dave,

and thanks very much for the new translation.

\esence\:3vndn9ho wrote: ... therefore i made a complete new translation on the software from scrap and integrated it on the component.

To keep the maintenance a little easier for me, I prefer to provide different language files in a separate installable file ;) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif\" alt=\";)\" title=\"Wink\" />;) I packed your files into a new zip and placed it in the download area (see <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\ "> ). I hope this is ok like this for you and thnx once again for it :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)


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