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13 years 2 months ago #944 by oztrout
Hey i have been running the new Aurora simulator here for about 3 months, would you know if this jopensim things work with Aurora ... ? thank you for your comants ... :)

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13 years 2 months ago #945 by foto50
Hi oztrout,

and welcome to our forum :)

I personally never have installed and tested Aurora so far. But from discussions with others I could find out, that the database structure from Aurora is quite different to the "regular" OpenSimulator. This fact makes it pretty sure, that jOpenSim will NOT run with Aurora natively.

But: I tried to keep jOpenSim as flexible as possible with it's external database connection and it might even be, that it only needs a "few" changes to get it working for Aurora. Most changes would probably be nessecary in /components/com_opensim/includes/opensim.class.php in the beginning from approx line 71 (starting with "public $usertable...") until approx. line 154 (starting with public $landtable_Dwell ...). This is the part where the table names and field names for the simulator database(s) are defined.

But as mentioned before, until now I never have made any tests in this direction.

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13 years 2 months ago #948 by oztrout
Thank you for your help ... :)
I have set up opensim 7.1 here the 7.2 would not work ... :(
One guestion is the groups and profile thing not working for me ... how can i fix that please ... ? i got it in the joomla thing ...

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13 years 2 months ago #949 by foto50
Why would 0.7.2 not work???

However: the groups should work even with 0.7.1 for jOpenSim 0.2.0. Only the included profile module is not compatible anymore with 0.7.1. It should work with the "old" module though, available for download here .

One reason that the groups and/or profile might not work is, that you have set the value "error_reporting" in your php.ini to "E_ALL" or "E_ALL | E_STRICT" but not to "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" as it should be by default.

Of course, this is not a mistake in your settings but an issue in my component. I'm currently working hard to get rid of all those notice messages in jOpenSim and I hope, that 0.2.1 will work even with any settings (except "E_ALL | E_STRICT").


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