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11 years 11 months ago #1306 by oztrout
Got an Idea about to have a community Marketplace for everyone that is running Jopensim ...
It would be a great place for everyone to sell or buy things that we make and help to keep Jopensim and OpenSim alive... What would work well is a Market Place available like other sims have to enable us to purchase and also to create and sell on MP ...

Any Ideas ?

Thank you

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11 years 10 months ago #1331 by DJ Devil
i have something like this running on my grid, however its still a bit buggy, we will see where it goes once i figured how to have it stable i will pass the code over to foto

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11 years 3 months ago #1794 by oztrout
Hi Dj ...
Hows that Market place going there ... ?
Hope to c it soon ... :)
It's been a while ...
But all good things come in time ... :)

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11 years 3 months ago #1803 by foto50
Hi oz

DJ is not participating jOpenSim anymore, so this "market place" project is more or less stalled at the moment :S

Some other big projects keep me a bit busy at the moment so I only have little time for jOpenSim right now. But I am already working on another component "jOpenSimPayPal" that will be an extension specific addon for jOpenSim to handle at least PayPal payments for inworld currencies.

As soon as there is something new on that, I will create a new topic in the forum :)


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11 years 2 months ago #1804 by oztrout
Hi foto ...
oh ok ,,, :(
Cool looking forwould to that addon ...
Will be good to have ... :)

Thank you ...

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