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problems with Profiles is the search

1 year 10 months ago #3848 by Marcus150
Hi everyone, I have a problem from which I can't get out of it, on the simulator it gives me this error, can anyone help me?

[LLCLIENTVIEW]: HandleMapItemRequest exception: Impossibile trovare il metodo 'Nwc.XmlRpc.XmlRpcResponse Nwc.XmlRpc.XmlRpcRequest.Send(System.String, Int32)'. : in jOpenSim.Search.jOpenSimSearch.GenericXMLRPCRequest(Hashtable ReqParams, String method)
in jOpenSim.Search.jOpenSimSearch.HandleMapItemRequest(IClientAPI remoteClient, UInt32 flags, UInt32 EstateID, Boolean godlike, UInt32 itemtype, UInt64 regionhandle)
in OpenSim.Framework.MapItemRequest.Invoke(IClientAPI remoteClient, UInt32 flags, UInt32 EstateID, Boolean godlike, UInt32 itemtype, UInt64 regionhandle)
in OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.LLClientView.HandleMapItemRequest(Packet Pack)

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1 year 10 months ago #3849 by druskus
Hi Marcus150,
could you kindly answer these questions first:

What Version of Joomla are you using?
What version of JOpenSim are you using?
What version of OpenSimulator are you using?
Is this a new installation of OpenSim or an upgrade?

Answering these questions will help us help you and better understand your issue.
From what you can tell it sounds like you have a problem with the search library not being able to connect to xmlrpc

Owner of Impero Web Group and Zone Nations Virtual World
Dev Italian Language for JOpenSim

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1 year 10 months ago #3850 by Marcus150
Ciao Druskus se non ho capito male dovresti essere Italiano anche tu , quindi ti scrivo in Italiano cosi non devo usare il Translator :-),allora per rispondere alle tue domande:
1 uso la versione 3.10 di joomla
2 uso la versione di JOpenSim
3 uso la versione di OpenSimulator
4 trattasi di una nuova installazione

spero di essere stato esaustivo

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1 year 10 months ago #3851 by Marcus150
I realize that maybe it's better if I write in English, so to answer your questions druskus:

1 I use joomla version 3.10
2 I use JOpenSim version
3 I use OpenSimulator version
4 is a new installation

I hope I've been exhaustive

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1 year 10 months ago - 1 year 10 months ago #3852 by druskus
Hi Marcus150,
yes I am Italian, then at the current state JOpenSim works correctly with OpenSim version at the moment it is in work to update the libraries to make them compatible with OpenSim
The problem has already been reported here:
The Search and Money in version should work correctly, but not the profiles.
Also if you are using Firestorm latest version you may have additional problems with favorites (Bug reported to firestorm team).
I would encourage you at this time to use version
If you want I invite you to visit my grid and land on the JUG Project island is the island related to Joomla User Groups.

Ciao Marcus150,
si sono italiano, allora allo stato attuale JOpenSim lavora correttamente con la versione di OpenSim al momento è in lavorazione l'aggiornamento delle librerie per renderle compatibili con OpenSim
Il problema è già stato segnalato qui:
Il Search ed il Money nella versione dovrebbe funzionare correttamente, ma non i profili.
Inoltre se utilizzi Firestorm ultima versione potresti avere ulteriori problemi con i preferiti (Bug segnalato al team di firestorm).
Ti inviterei al momento di utilizzare la versione
Se vuoi ti invito a visitare la mia grid ed approdare nell'isola JUG Project è l'isola legata ai Joomla User Group.

Owner of Impero Web Group and Zone Nations Virtual World
Dev Italian Language for JOpenSim

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1 year 10 months ago - 1 year 10 months ago #3853 by Marcus150
Hello Druskus, hell I should take a step back with the OpenSim version I should start there to recompile everything I don't know if I really want to, however the Search with 09.2.2 didn't work for me in fact I disabled them for jopensim , thanks for the invitation I will definitely come to make a jump

Ciao Druskus, cavoli dovrei fare un passo indietro con la versione di OpenSim dovrei mettermi li a ricompilare tutto non sò se ne ho tanta voglia , comunque a me il Search con la 09.2.2 non funzionavano infatti li ho disabilitati per jopensim , grazie per l invito verro sicuramente a fare un salto

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1 year 10 months ago - 1 year 10 months ago #3854 by druskus
Without that recompile everything transported in the previous version the files:
For Grid:
For the Sim

And start the sims :)

Senza che ricompili il tutto trasportati nella versione precedente i file:
Per la Grid:
Per la Sim

E avvia le sim :)

Owner of Impero Web Group and Zone Nations Virtual World
Dev Italian Language for JOpenSim

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1 year 10 months ago #3855 by Marcus150
i try,but everytime i do something like this i always end up messed up hahahah


ci provo,ma ogni volta che faccio qualcosa di simile alla fine mi ritrovo sempre incasinato hahahah

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1 year 10 months ago #3856 by druskus
if you're working right now, come by and we'll have a chat

se stai lavorando ora, passa da me che ci facciamo 4 chiacchiere

Owner of Impero Web Group and Zone Nations Virtual World
Dev Italian Language for JOpenSim

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1 year 10 months ago #3857 by Marcus150
ok i try to pass

Ok provo a passare

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