Hi JDsom
I have downloaded the free version of this template and checked it a bit. It looks like they are removing the "fieldset" tags from the form generated by Joomla. From functionality, there would be no problem removing these tags. But like jOpenSimRegister, I've also seen many other plugins relying on these tags since they are the only way to find the exact position in the registration form between the form fields and the submit button. If they do not want to display the fielset borders, I suggest them to disable the display via CSS. You can forward this information to the developers if you want.
For now, asuming that the pro template has the same way of manipulating the registration form as the free edition, I can help you with a "dirty hack", that could temporary solve your problem:
In /path-to-yout-joomla/plugins/system/jopensimregister/jopensimregister.php you will find around lines 68 and 70:
$searchpattern = '/(<\/fieldset>)(.*)(<button type="submit" class="validate[^"]*">'.JText::_('JREGISTER').'<\/button>)/s';
$replace = '${1}'.$opensimFields.'${2}${3}';
If you replace this with:
$searchpattern = '/(.*)(<button type="submit" class="validate[^"]*">'.JText::_('JREGISTER').'<\/button>)/s';
$replace = '${1}'.$opensimFields.'${2}';
the fields should turn up for you. Mind that this is not really a clean solution and also can screw up other plugins manipulating the registration form (like CB, captcha, etc...). And I also will keep the replace routine for jOpenSimRegister how it is, so in a next version of the plugin, those changes might get overwritten again.
... and to your 2nd question: jOpenSim 0.2.1 was planned already a week ago. There are still some minor issues I want to solve in this release. But some private stuff keeps me currently a bit away of working concentrated on it. However, I really hope to be able to release it as soon as possible